How does the reality of Robert’s war experience compare with what he initially thought it would be?
To what extent does Robert see himself as a person with real agency, and to what extent merely a pawn in wider events?
Who, for Robert, is the enemy?
Do you think young people from the 21st-century would be less likely to be swayed by ideas of duty and patriotism than the World War I generation, if there were to be a war now?
How does Robert’s character change as a result of meeting Louisa?
Do you believe that Louisa really met up with Robert and went back in time, or was she hallucinating?
To what extent are the conventional definitions of "sanity" and "madness" relevant to soldiers fighting in WW1?
How easy do you think it is for a psychiatrist to bring an objective scientific approach to bear on a patient undergoing a very subjective mental illness experience?
Do you think there is any truth in the concept of past lives and reincarnation?
What problems do you think veterans of WW1 would have faced going back to civilian life afterwards?